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How to Pay an Open Invoice on your Account

Kayla LaCross
Kayla LaCross
  • Updated

You can easily review and pay any open invoices on your account.

1. Sign in with your email and password.

2. Go to My Account

3. Go to Invoices

4. A list of your recent invoices will appear. There are multiple ways to sort the invoices. You can select the option Open or Paid in Full at the top. There is also a drop down to search by Due Date, by Invoice Date, Invoice Number, or by Amount Due.

5. Once you locate the invoice or invoices needing to be paid, hover over the invoice number and click to expand and review the invoice details, see where it was billed to, review Sales Rep contact information and you can even download a pdf of the invoice. Once reviewed you can click Make a Payment.

6. You will then be taken to a final screen to enter or select payment method, and then click Submit to finalize your payment.

Learn what to do if you need help reviewing Profile Information.

If you need help with how to Review/Update your Credit Card Information please check out this article.

If you need help with how to Review your Account Balance please check out this article.


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